Give senior working horses the safe retirment they've earned.

In December, we are hosting the Holiday Hoof. A Drive-thru Holiday Light Display Open to the Public for 10 Nights!

The very first display our visitors will see are the "Lights of Love"

These are 100 luminaries that will be shingling bright in honor of special loved ones every night of our display.

Become a Sponsor!

Your gift of $100 will keep a luminary burning bright each night of our event in honor of a special person or animal of your choice. You will also have the option to share a photo of your special someone on our event webpage.

The goal of these luminaries is simple: To keep the big guys full, safe, and comfortable.

The money raised from the Holiday Hoof, including your “Lights of Love” sponsorship, will be used to provide the draft horses here with us now (and the ones to come) with the best care we can give.

Who would you like to honor?

Thank you for being part of this family, we couldn’t do this work without you.

Rebecca Roy



Draft Horse Inspired Self-Care Tips

Self-care can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase energy—and it doesn’t have to feel like more work! Ready for a chance to catch your breath?