Monthly Giving
Make a difference for senior draft horses every day, all year.
Join Our Team Today!
Becoming a member of our Monthly Giving Team is one of the simplest—yet most important—ways to help senior draft horses
Team members make a monthly donation of their choice to save lives 365 days a year!
Impact of Your Support
Veterinary Care
Every horse we encounter has its own unique challenges. It could be a limp, lameness, abscess, arthritis, skin issues, or even blindness. Regardless of the issue, each horse receives compassionate and responsible care to meet their needs.
Proper Nutrition
Quality hay, appropriate grain, and various supplements add up to being our largest budget item every year. The big guys eat A LOT of food.
Let's Us Say Yes
The security of recurring gifts allows us to say YES to the next horse in need.
When a horse arrives at Draft Gratitude, he or she will have a safety net for the rest of its life. Our horses that are adopted will always have a place to go if their adopter can’t keep them. We welcome them back with open arms.
Pain Control
Pain control comes in many forms. It might be as simple as anti-inflammatories or antacids. But it could also be hoof care, dental work, or surgery.
Why I Give Monthly...
“We give monthly because it is easier for our budget with small monthly increments and setting up monthly payments means we don’t forget our commitment to help. The notice I get that a payment has been made also reminds me to check for updates, new visit dates and times, and opportunities to help in other ways. The convenience of getting an annual cumulative receipt for the total amount of donation allows us to have just one receipt for taxes, and to submit for employer match (everyone should check to see if their employer provides a match).
Draft Gratitude is one of the few charitable organizations that automatically sends receipts without having to request one, which makes things so much easier than tracking down receipts for taxes. Which makes me confident they are running things well.”
Irene D. (Massachusetts)
Why I Give Monthly...
“I am a monthly donor because I know consistent income is very important to animal rescues. I want to be someone this rescue can count on. By the time they arrive at Draft Gratitude, it’s clear these horses have experienced many broken promises. I want to be a part of promises kept.
Thanks again for all you do. I am in awe of your work.”
Dianne W.
Why I Give Monthly...
“I give monthly for three reasons:
- A small amount monthly feels easier on my budget than one large amount annually.
- I can set it up and forget it.
- I think (I hope) that a monthly commitment helps Draft Gratitude budget too.”
Krissy R. (New Hampshire)
Why I Give Monthly...
“I donate to Draft Gratitude monthly because I believe in their mission, these gentle giants deserve to have a soft landing and I can’t afford to rescue another horse at this time( even if I could I would still donate)!”
Jennifer M. (New Hampshire)
Why I Give Monthly...
“I started giving monthly to Draft Gratitude several years ago. At the time, I was interested in helping to care for Solstice, a beautiful Belgian that a friend of mine helped rescue and place at Draft Gratitude. It seemed like such a small contribution to provide one day of food and vet care each month for the horse. I liked that it was tangible. I could see it in my mind. If thirty people did that, it’s complete care for a horse. I printed out a photo of “Sol” and posted it on my wall at work. In the dark days of winter when my seasonal affective disorder was strong, I looked at that photo and smiled and knew that I made a difference in that animal’s life. Sol was eventually adopted and has since passed. I still give monthly and know that I am helping a beautiful creature have a day of care and a better life.”
Kelly T. (New York)
Why I Give Monthly...
I grew up with Drafts and learned to ride on them both at my family’s farm and cousins in Nova Scotia. I just have a soft spot for their work and loyalty to humans. They deserve a soft landing.
Jean E. (New Hampshire)
Why I Give Monthly...
“I donate monthly so the horses can receive the loving care they deserve. I am unable to adopt, but it is my pleasure to give monthly. It is important to me to support senior draft horses because my monthly giving has a direct impact on the quality care they receive. Very grateful for Draft Gratitude.”
Suzanne M. (Florida)
Why I Give Monthly...
I am very thankful for Becky, her team,and her staff for the love and dedication they lovingly give to their horses. Every month, when I send my donation, it makes me smile. Because I know that I am helping these hard-working horses that are in the retirement years of their lives. They deserve to spend the rest of their life relaxing and having proper medical care ! 3 cheers for Becky and her staff .
Carolyn H. (Virginia)
Why I Give Monthly...
“I donate monthly to Draft Gratitude in large part to keep the memory of my beloved drafty girl, Holly, alive in my heart. It doesn’t keep me from donating to specific projects, or specific horses new to the sanctuary. Rather, it’s a way for me to express my belief in Rebecca and the work she is doing. And I’m very happy to do it.”
Susan K. (New Hampshire)
Why I Give Monthly...
I give monthly in honor of my Percherons, Matt and Toby. I had them for 28 and one week shy of 30 years. Drafts are really gentle giants. It feels so good to know I am helping to save other drafts who have worked hard all their life. They deserve this soft landing place.
Roberta K. (Massachusetts)
Why I Give Monthly...
“I love being a monthly donor to Draft Gratitude! Rebecca Roy is extremely organized and dedicated to her mission, as well as one of the kindest people I know. I’m always confident that my donation will be well spent and monthly donations are so easy to set up.
It makes me feel happy that each month I’m helping these amazing horses who have given so much all their lives.”
Page H. (South Carolina)
Why I Give Monthly...
“I give to support your never ending kindness to these gentle giants who would be forgotten and left to die or worse if you did not take them in and love and heal them. You actually do what we only talk about doing.
Thank you for caring for these beautiful, gentle creatures.”
Mary C. (Massachusetts)
Why I Give Monthly...
There are many opportunities for giving, but I want to put my donation dollars in the trusted hands of a local organization that puts the money where it counts. National animal charities spend millions on advertising, salaries & overhead, reducing the good each dollar can do. Draft Gratitude allows us to see the progress month by month, and actively participate in its success.
Clarie A. (New Hampshire)
Why I Give Monthly...
Gail S. (New Hampshire)
Why I Give Monthly...
“I choose to give monthly because I know how much it means for this rescue to have guaranteed funds in order to continue helping the horses they have committed to as well as to know how they can help others they are interested in bringing to the rescue. “
Mavis P. (Canada)
Why I Give Monthly...
“It started as a one time contribution when I lost my Belgian mare suddenly. Then I read of the “feed 1 horse 1 day every month” program. To me it is a way to stay connected to draft horses & help them as well. It is something I will continue to do in memory of my mare & in honor of retired working horses.”
Allie R. (Massachusetts)
Why I Give Monthly...
“When I visited Draft Gratitude last year with a good friend whom is a big fan and supporter of DG (Alyson Lush), I was struck by the immediate sensation of warmth and gentleness that embraced me. I really felt this! You passion and mission for safety and care for these beautiful horses is strong and these horses know it. I’ll never forget my visit and someday hope to return from California.”
Karen R. (California)
Why I Give Monthly...
“I love being a monthly donor to Draft Gratitude, because I know I am helping the horses who have finally landed in a place where they will be safe and well cared for. Honestly, it gets sent automatically and I don’t even notice it’s gone. Over the years I have donated to many rescues, but Draft Gratitude is the first one that sends me an itemized list of my donations for the year, plus a breakdown of what the rescue has spent and where. This is a first class organization!”
Janice S. (New York)
Why I Give Monthly...
“I give monthly because sadly, I know the need doesn’t end at a one-time donation. Monthly giving is my version of playing it forward; instead of paying for a stranger’s coffee at the drive-through, I pay for a few bales of hay for the horses. And the best part is that I get to see the incredible results of my gesture which, selfishly speaking, makes me feel really good.”
Colleen S. (Massachusetts)
Why I Give Monthly...
“I fell in love with Draft Gratitude’s gentle giants and their mission to help these amazing creatures.
I first came across them on social media and after visiting them in person and seeing the incredible transformation the animals have in Rebecca’s care; I felt my small donation each month was the least I could do.”
Cheryl P. (New Hampshire)
Why I Give Monthly...
“I love giving to nonprofits where I KNOW the money is being used wisely and my donation matters. I’m happy to give $12 each month to Draft Gratitude, knowing that it helps provide food and medicine to a horse who needs a shot at a ‘happily every after’.”
Sandy R. (Tennessee)
Why I Give Monthly...
I used to have horses and give to your project, in part, as an honor to them. They brought me so much joy and taught me a lot! Also, the wonderful horses you protect gave their lives to help human kind. They deserve for their last years, when they can no longer be productive, to be filled with kindness, care, love and honor. I feel you all do exactly that.
Rick R. (Texas)
Why I Give Monthly...
I contribute to the selfless work you all do (and I think you are all heroes for it) because these gentle giants worked their whole lives doing what they are forced to do with little or no comforts. They have no say in and can’t do anything about how they are treated. Then after long, hard years of service, when they are of little or no use, they are discarded. They have souls and feelings and they deserve more – anything to make them happy and comfortable.
Dolores K. (New Hampshire)

Become a Monthly Donor
- Call 603-762-3266 to speak with a team member
- Mail your donation check to Draft Gratitude, 148 Ashuelot St, Winchester NH 03470
- Start Your Monthly Donation Here
Monthly Donations are 100% tax deductible and can be adjusted or suspended at any time.